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Карта отеля


Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu), Он расположен на южной стороне озера лоху вдоль реки, рядом с главной станцией метро и главной станцией общественного транспорта. он расположен недалеко от площади цзиньгуанхуа, торговой радуги, пешеходной улицы восточных ворот, коммерческого города роху. на первом этаже транспортного терминала лоху в B18 имеется бесплатная специальная тележка (08: 00 - 23: 00), около 10 - 15 часов / смен. За дополнительной информацией обратитесь к консалтинговой фирме.
номер небольшой, большой и малый конференц - зал, бесплатная стоянка, конференц - зал ит.д. в комнате бесплатно: микрофон, перо бумаги, трибуна, указательная табличка, Внесудебная газета на сцене, звук, проектор, занавес, доска, выбирайте из списка участников торговых встреч и встреч в Гонконге и шопинге.
[Подробное введение]
Вопросы и ответы
  • Как далеко этот отель от Baoan International Airport?

    Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) 34.3km от аэропорта.

  • Предоставляет ли Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) услугу трансфера?

    Нет, в отеле нет службы трансфера.

  • Какое время заезда и выезда в Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu)?

    Время заезда: с 14:00, а время выезда: до 14:00 в Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu).

  • Есть ли в Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) бассейн и Занятия по фитнесу ?

    Нет, в отеле нет бассейна или тренажерного зала. Информацию о бассейне и тренажерный зал и других удобствах вы найдете на этой странице.

  • Eсть ли Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) ресторан?

    Да, вы можете поесть в отеле.

  • Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) Есть ли широкополосный доступ или Wi-Fi?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с сотрудниками стойки регистрации отеля для уточнения деталей.

  • Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) Вы принимаете предоплату?

    Примите, пожалуйста, отправьте ваш заказ, прежде чем связаться с нами.

  • Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu) Принимать оплату кредитной картой?

    Нет, отель не принимает кредитные карты.

  • Сколько стоит завтрак для Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu)?

    завтрак CNY36 / чел.

  • Сколько стоит проживаниe Shanshui Trends Hotel (Shenzhen Luohu)?

    Цены начинаются с CNY448, в зависимости от типа номера и даты.

ОТЗЫВЫ больше
  • librax
    Not bad. I'm staying in the hotel for the second time. Attention to the friends who come back from Hong Kong in the evening. 11 p.m. is the last bus of the hotel. After a little, we only have to take a taxi or walk for about 10 minutes.
  • bonniepan
    not bad
  • e00090165
  • e00154929
    Tatami is very comfortable ~ very satisfied with the experience. If you have a car to pick up Luohu station, it can be regarded as a special bus
  • becauselov5
    Now the hotel has a new one. It's very good. I feel very good
  • forry
    Or the original environment, heavy taste!!!!!!
  • aaron.jiang
  • gina0329
    The room is noisy, the surrounding environment is general, but there are a lot of delicious food
  • bullut
    not bad
  • action029
    not bad The room is warm. The traffic is very convenient
  • leisurelady
    Not bad. I've lived for more than two months.
  • annage
    It can be delivered to the gate. Breakfast was good. Hotel room facilities are OK. Praise
  • lawyer_lg
    What's the matter with the hotel? It's different from the photos
  • jumby
    very good
  • ninonif
    Very good, clean, good service
  • lilygly
    Affordable and cost-effective. I've lived for a month
  • cropsbtm
    that's OK
  • bulldogi
    The transportation is convenient. I'll see you at Luohu station. I'll live in Shanshui next time
  • jerry_jie
    it 's not bad!
  • Jameswuu
    Very good, because I brought two children. The reception at the front desk specially arranged two bigger beds for us. The hotel is very clean and there is a car to pick up and send us to Luohu port. The bath liquid of the hotel is still VELUX. I'm satisfied. It's enough to take the children!
  • candy4875
    The air conditioning in the hotel is too noisy, and other facilities are OK
  • e00880177
    I have lived for many times. It's not bad. I'll continue to live in the future
  • Sunlit
    It's quite good
  • nose75
    The hotel, the location is very noisy
  • audrey1984
    The environment is very good. It's close to the port. It's very convenient
  • laoxu1984
    not bad
  • crux_5
    It is very close to Luohu port, and there is a free business bus to and from Luohu port. It is recommended, but breakfast is average.
  • CollinsGu
    Very good. It's close to Luohu railway station. It's very convenient to go anywhere. Because I only stayed for one night, I didn't go around much. The room is not big, but all kinds of facilities are quite complete. Very quiet.
  • sjudy
    long time
  • Jamesling2005
    It's very convenient to travel from near the hotel by car. You can also shop nearby. I'm very satisfied. I've lived several times. It's recommended. The room price is favorable. The environment is quiet and clean.
  • comoisten
    It's a good hotel. The room is clean and warm. I like it. The online price is more favorable
  • anliuli
    It's a chain hotel near Luohu port. Breakfast is OK. It's convenient to go to Hong Kong
  • amylei
    The service is average, the sound insulation of the door is not noisy! Room price and room environment are different!
  • dejoyeuse
    High cost performance, worthy of recommendation
  • leway1987
    Check in frequently!!!
  • tomivc
  • Lcyxjtu
    Very comfortable, very warm, people can have a comfortable rest when they are tired. The equipment is complete, the service is good, there is a shuttle bus, and the breakfast is great!
  • cycie
    The location, environment and theme are very good, but the sound insulation is too poor. It is not recommended to go with a beautiful girlfriend, which will have a great impact on other rooms. Also, I didn't tidy up my room after I arrived. I waited half an hour to finish it.
  • xueww126
    The room is relatively clean. It's a Japanese double room. I think it's pretty good. Go straight out of Luohu subway E2 and turn left to cross the road
  • callofduty
    Very good service. It's a little far from the subway station
  • iloveyou_cc
    Overall very good, but the water pressure of the shower is a little small, other aspects are very good
  • orange1000
    There were some stains on the bed sheets and yellow ones on the small square towels. Moreover, the hotel played music early in the morning, which was very noisy
  • boneyxb
    that's OK.
  • dudu55
    The round bed is simple and hygienic, but the light is darker, and the corridor design is not very good. 573 needs to turn around, and two-way import is good. Breakfast is OK, 28 yuan. There are several kinds of fruit juice, milk and fruit, two kinds of porridge,... The sound insulation is not very good!
  • feijun
    It's very close and convenient to the port. It's worth visiting
  • jt5779
    The room is small and the sound insulation of the door is poor
  • Billy King
    The location of the hotel is very good and the transportation is convenient. The living environment is good, sanitary, the room is not very big, but very delicate, recommended!!
  • tj12345
    There is a place to eat around the hotel, which is very convenient. It's very close to the railway station, and there's a shuttle service. I feel it's very good. In addition, the room's hygiene and breakfast are also good. Although it can't be compared with star hotels, it's very cost-effective to live in such a room at this price. You can recommend staying.
  • Lyou4ever
    The room smells. Very good location, very close to Luohu port.
  • cyg780808
    It's a little small
  • yibaojun
    The main picture is convenient, but it's still good. I've checked in several times.
  • e01777616
    It's OK. I often live. It's close to the pass. It's also convenient to eat around.
  • AmorEmma
    Live several times, cost-effective. Will stay. Lighting to strengthen the point is better
  • orange927
    The hotel has good rooms, complete facilities, good layout, convenient transportation, more choices for meals and very favorable prices. It is a good choice to live between Luohu and Hong Kong!
  • anita_doudou
    It's a very good hotel. The price is very favorable. The location is also good. The waiters are very polite and friendly. The room is clean, hygienic, Chinese and western buffet breakfast, very rich, worth recommending.
  • baobaobear
    The check-in time is quite good. Unlike other hotels, I have to wait until 12 o'clock or 2 o'clock. When I arrived in the morning, I said I would check in directly if there was a room. The service is very user-friendly. I feel it's good!
  • badon007
    It's beautiful. The room is very comfortable! It's just that geography is a little hard to find. But it's worth it!
  • drtu273
    Very good
  • tj252525
    It's very convenient to get to the railway station. It's a good choice for travel transfer
  • destanjj
    Very good. It's a hotel owned by a listed company. It's very convenient around.